
With the Wind in your wings, the Sun on your skin, grounded feet and a grateful heart.


When I dance I forget the time. I can relax my mind from thoughts and entrust my body to the elements. There's nothing about time, not about have to do - I dive into my feelings and express them. Feel my body and give it the movement it needs right now. Flowing in this moment - in the NOW.


Dancing has accompanied me since my childhood. I love to be in motion in the height as well as in the depth of my being. To explore, to discover new things and to develop myself further. To express my feelings. Sharing joy and letting tears flow. Sometimes wild, sometimes gentle, sometimes fast, sometimes quiet - all facets want to find their place and sprout to the outside. The dance is a direct access to my soul and my inner core. The body expresses what is difficult to put into words.

“Dance is the movement of the universe concentrated in an individual.”

Isadora Duncan




Photo Credits

David Shilham 

Sabrina Stutz