Natural jewels Gallery

MAZU Natural Jewels
Five years ago, I started collecting pearls and stones from around the globe. Many nights were spent in the kitchen, with a little baby sleeping in bed, making jewelry and searching for the right materials. In 2024, my heart project finally comes to reality.
Each piece of jewelry from MAZU Natural Jewels is crafted with love and dedication, reflecting the beauty and uniqueness of the natural materials used. Our commitment to sustainability ensures that our methods respect and protect the environment, while our designs celebrate the authenticity and natural elegance.
Join us on this journey and discover the beauty of MAZU Natural Jewels – where every piece tells a story of passion, craftsmanship, and a deep connection to nature.
We come from the waters. We grow in water. When we are babies, our bodies are made up of up to 80% water, and as adults, around 50%. Water is our life elixir. The ocean returns to us what once belonged to it: wood, glass. Washed for days, months, or even years in the waves.
All pieces are handmade with patience and passion from recycled wood and collected glass from the beaches. We use materials that once belonged to humans. In co-creation with nature, these materials have been washed in the ocean for days, months, or even years. The waves have smoothed the glass, and some of the wood has washed ashore. Imagine the journey they had, where they came from. Dead trees that people would normally burn or old furniture that no one uses anymore are transformed into new treasures. 
The possibilities are endless.
This collection is dedicated to all women. We are stronger together, and it’s much more fun. Let us put our crowns back on when we fall, remind each other of the light within us when we forget, and smile, create, and dance in togetherness.
We are all unique in our own way. Just like every woman, every piece of MAZU is unique – and no piece is like any other. Each design is a testament to individuality and the beauty of diversity, celebrating the essence of womanhood.
Wearing MAZU means embracing your uniqueness and honoring the collective strength of women. Together, we shine brighter, inspire more deeply, and uplift one another to reach new heights. Let’s celebrate our differences and cherish the bond that unites us.
Mazu is the goddess and patroness of the sea. She protects travelers, fishermen, and sailors. Her very nature is inherently protective, ensuring safe journeys and calm waters for those under her care.
Follow MAZU to hear her story, one filled with ancient legends and acts of heroism. Discover the newest and first collection inspired by her divine presence and rich history. Each piece embodies the spirit of Mazu, offering not only beauty but also a sense of protection and guidance.
MAZU, the protective goddess of life, who watches over all who venture into the vast, unpredictable ocean. 
Let her story and the collection inspire you to embrace your journey with courage and confidence.

natural jewels Shop



Earrings made of recycled wood and incorporated sea glass, collected from various beaches in Lanzarote.

Each piece is handmade, using materials collected by hand.


They are unique pieces and no two pieces look the same.

Choose your shape and in a personal process we will see in which colors you would like your Sea Glass.


Your very personal and authentic natural jewel.


CHF 69.00

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  • 5 - 8 Tage Lieferzeit1


Earrings made of recycled wood and incorporated sea glass, collected from various beaches in Lanzarote.

Each piece is handmade, using materials collected by hand.


They are unique pieces and no two pieces look the same.

Choose your shape and in a personal process we will see in which colors you would like your Sea Glass.


Your very personal and authentic natural jewel.


CHF 89.00

  • verfügbar
  • 5 - 8 Tage Lieferzeit1


Earrings made of recycled wood and incorporated sea glass, collected from various beaches in Lanzarote.

Each piece is handmade, using materials collected by hand.


They are unique pieces and no two pieces look the same.

Choose your shape and in a personal process we will see in which colors you would like your Sea Glass.


Your very personal and authentic natural jewel.

CHF 79.00

  • verfügbar
  • 5 - 8 Tage Lieferzeit1


Earrings made of recycled wood and incorporated sea glass, collected from various beaches in Lanzarote.

Each piece is handmade, using materials collected by hand.


They are unique pieces and no two pieces look the same.

Choose your shape and in a personal process we will see in which colors you would like your Sea Glass.


Your very personal and authentic natural jewel.

CHF 69.00

  • verfügbar
  • 5 - 8 Tage Lieferzeit1


Earrings made of recycled wood and incorporated sea glass, collected from various beaches in Lanzarote.

Each piece is handmade, using materials collected by hand.


They are unique pieces and no two pieces look the same.

Choose your shape and in a personal process we will see in which colors you would like your Sea Glass.


Your very personal and authentic natural jewel.

CHF 79.00

  • verfügbar
  • 5 - 8 Tage Lieferzeit1


Earrings made of recycled wood and incorporated sea glass, collected from various beaches in Lanzarote.

Each piece is handmade, using materials collected by hand.


They are unique pieces and no two pieces look the same.

Choose your shape and in a personal process we will see in which colors you would like your Sea Glass.


Your very personal and authentic natural jewel.

CHF 55.00

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  • 5 - 8 Tage Lieferzeit1


Earrings made of recycled wood and incorporated sea glass, collected from various beaches in Lanzarote.

Each piece is handmade, using materials collected by hand.


They are unique pieces and no two pieces look the same.

Choose your shape and in a personal process we will see in which colors you would like your Sea Glass.


Your very personal and authentic natural jewel.

CHF 69.00

  • verfügbar
  • 5 - 8 Tage Lieferzeit1


Earrings made of recycled wood and incorporated sea glass, collected from various beaches in Lanzarote.

Each piece is handmade, using materials collected by hand.


They are unique pieces and no two pieces look the same.

Choose your shape and in a personal process we will see in which colors you would like your Sea Glass.


Your very personal and authentic natural jewel.

CHF 65.00

  • verfügbar
  • 5 - 8 Tage Lieferzeit1


Mazu Jewelry makes me feel like a sea goddess! My grandmother is from Java, Indonesia and she used to tell me stories about Nye Roro Kidul (the queen of the sea) and how she believed, i’m related to her because of my love for the ocean and the way my eyes light up when I'm near to it. She also told me how I should never forget my infinite power to create my reality and these jewels shaped by the sea are a tangible reminder of that.

 - Rochelle

Lange Zeit lagen die Ohrringe noch in ihrer Schachtel. Ich öffnete die Schachtel immer wieder und betrachtete diese einzigartigen Ohrringe, erfreute mich an ihrer Form, der Farben, der feinen Beschaffenheit und des unverwechselbaren Geruches nach dem Eichenfass, aus welchem sie entstanden sind. Wenn ich sie mir jetzt anstecke und mich im Spiegel betrachte, zaubert sich mir ein Lächeln aufs Gesicht. Sie sind so wunderschön, vollkommen und einzigartig wie ich. Sie unterstreichen auf eine feine und doch unverwechselbare Art meine Persönlichkeit.
-  Rahel

Die Ohrringe, die ich von Mazu habe, sind weit mehr als nur ein Schmuckstück. Sie sind für mich Symbole der Liebe und Kraft, die mir auf meinem Lebensweg beistehen. Jedes Mal, wenn ich sie trage, spüre ich eine warme Vertrautheit und ein Gefühl von Harmonie, das mich tief berührt. Sie sind eine Erinnerung daran, dass die Natur uns immer umgibt und uns mit ihrer Schönheit und Energie erfüllt. - Vivi




Photo Credits

David Shilham 

Sabrina Stutz